Part 1 of our Series “Outreach – Musik an Ort und Stelle”
12. April 2024, 19.00
Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum, Vogtgasse 29, 1140 Wien
All technical devices, whether functional or gimmicky, are known to give up sooner rather than later and become part of the great avalanche of waste.
The sculptor, sound- and performance artist Götz Bury sends parts of this avalanche on into the reincarnation loop. He uses selected components to create new, often experimental-looking “musical instruments”, which are put through their paces by Little Rosies Kindergarten.
The audience’s eyes and ears will be wide open.
Made possible by the generous support of SHIFT – Basiskultur Wien and the Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum.
My compositions for the Outreach series are funded by the Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport and Stadt Wien Kultur. Many thanks for that!